The Monster Mash

We LOVE Halloween, not just for the dressing up but also for the snacks! It’s always tricky when you’ve got to consider that gluten could be hiding in any of the many treats that make it into your candy bag. This year, we’re making the treats to share with our fellow ghouls and neighbors. A twist on the classic Chex party mix, we call it the Monster Mash and trust us, it is absolutely a graveyard smash!

This recipe is so simple but a word to the wise: use a big bowl to mix! We ended up putting these on trays for a bit more room to mix. Chex cereals are a great gluten-free go-to for throwing into a snack mix and their saltiness pairs so well with the sweetness from the chocolate and powdered sugar. This is obviously not an everyday treat but sometimes, we wish it was! This recipe is super customizable by tossing in your favorite gluten-free candies.

For an added Halloween vibe, the boys coated these with white chocolate that they colored slime green.

We turned plain brown paper bags into Trick-or-Treat bags to put our Monster Mash into. This was so much fun to let our creativity loose as a family. Life gets so busy these days that its really important to make time to have good, old-fashioned family fun.

From The Feinberg Kitchen to yours, Happy Halloween!


Thanksgiving Sides… & Chocolate Pie!


Quesadilla Night